Monday, October 29, 2007

Who uses real food stamps?

How many South Dakotans will be using real food stamps while we're doing this challenge, and how many of those are children? (This question came from Andrine.)

The Food Stamp Program helps over 61,000 low-income South Dakotans purchase food for themselves and their families each month. (Nationwide, more than 26million Americans benefit, along with their families, our farmers, local businesses, and a healthier workforce, in this, the nations most successful anti-hunger initiative.)
Children: About half are children.
In addition, many are elderly, and many have disabilities. Other adults have requirements for work, registration for employment, and/or work training and job search programs.


Dana Dane said...

I get food stamps and I will be doing this challenge.
I will do it for my blog and for my column

Dana Dane said...

I know you replied in email about the fact that I don't have to do this challenge but I would like to state my reasons for taking this challenge.
I write for a newspaper and I would like to do this challenge as a story.
I also get food stamps for me and my 4 children which NEVER take us from one month to the next.
So I would like to do this challenge to bring awareness to the blogging community I belong to and my readers here on blogspot and multiply. I already recruited one other person to take the challenge with me AND for the fact that maybe this challenge will teach me to do better budget wise.